Wednesday, January 24, 2018

My Name Typography

We started a project about Typography where we used our name and showed the typeface anatomy of it. It wasn't a very long project but I still enjoyed being able to do it. I showed how my name has many different aspects to it and how in depth typefaces can be. We used Adobe Illustrator for this which allowed us to make the arrows to show the exact location. I decided to use my last name (although we didn't have to) for more variety so I could get ten different parts of the anatomy. The project allowed us to learn most everything about typefaces, and which typefaces are professional and which are bad to use in any situation.

Throughout the time we worked on this we learned a lot about typefaces. We learned that Comic Sans is a very bad typeface to use in a professional atmosphere and it doesn't look very good. Another thing that we learned was that sans actually means without so sans-serif means without any serifs. The work that we did showed us that typefaces have much more depth than the untrained eye can perceive, but anyone can tell when a typeface isn't use in the right situation. The last thing that we learned was that many companies use premade typefaces and change them around a little bit to make it look like their own.

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