Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Personality of Dakota Altic

My personality type is ENFP, this means that I am a supportive person and very sympathetic, as well as preferring to find another way to do something that may already have a definitive solution. I feel that this does described me, I don't think it's down to the exact detail but for the most part it is correct. Other people who have this personality type are stand-up comedians like Robin Williams and Jerry Seinfeld, I also have the same type as people who did some bad things in their life like Ulrike Meinhof who created the terrorist group Rote Armee Fraktion, which just means Red Army Faction. Knowing that this is my personality type could explain why I am so empathetic towards people and can help them with many problems. Many people in my friend group act the same as I do, but others are just completely opposite of me.

When I work in a group I usually play a role that could be defensive or offensive depending on the situation, which means I can back my team up (even though I'm not very good at sports). Being in a group setting allows me to express myself in a way that others wouldn't see in smaller setting, I'm able to help others that may be bothered by certain things and even if I haven't gone through the same thing I can still give them as much support as possible. I think that in my past I wouldn't have the same personality type, I was very rude and didn't like to hear other people's opinions, but now I'm able to listen well and make changes depending on the situation.

While doing this assignment I learned that I am a lot more of an extrovert than I thought I was. I liked being able to figure out my personality type and learn that there were many famous individuals like me.

Recently we took another less accurate personality test that would help us for groups, this test was called LOBG which stood for Lion, Otter, Beaver, and Golden retriever. For my results I got Otter, the otter traits said that these people are very open and positive but have a tendency to talk way too much. I feel like this can be true in some sense but this says that they usually rush their jobs and don't do it very well, but I always work my hardest to make sure that a job is finished exactly how it should be.

Logo Design

For over a week we have been working on a project where we create our own logo. At first we had to sketch our image, we were given 2 days to do so, and I made mine based on a video game studio idea. The next part was choosing which sketches we like the most and redrawing them on the computer. I only had one I liked the most and I based it from there, which I really liked since the simplistic design gave me a lot more creative freedom. A background was not required for our images but I decided to try one out since I couldn't really put color on a line. My next idea for the mockups was that when it came to shirts, I wanted to have the logo small on the corner of the front and very large on the back, the one on the front wouldn't have the company name on it but the one on the back would.

My whole thought process started with a complex looking light bulb, but then I realise (with help from Mr.Olson) that the complicated look would be hard to do on a computer and that it is too much. A simple design allowed me to bring out the best of the logo and make sure that it stood out from others, but still put more attention to the products we produced. The beginning didn't show the name how I wanted it too, so I put it around the top. I thought it may look better with a different LH, but that just made it look a lot worse so i tried a new typeface and the original LH and I got a logo that I really liked.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Wizard of Oz poster project


Since we were doing a poster project, contrast played a huge role. We had to use it to make sure everything that needed to stand out does, and things that don't are still there but not as outstanding. I used contrast mainly on the name of the play by making it larger and a better color so that if people look over at it, they will see the name first. I wanted the date to be better as well, so I made it the same color as the title. We did have some extra parts which I but in the bottom corners for legal reason.


Alignment was just as important as contrast, as it makes the lines easier to read. I wanted to to do a center alignment because I didn't want the poster to look very serious, since it is not a very serious play. Putting the different parts of the name around the picture makes it a little bit trickier to know what the next part to read was, but I made the parts look the exact same to solve that problem. The text in the corners are aligned to their appropriate sides (the two in the left corner are left aligned, and vise versa). We didn't have a tool like they have in word where it center aligns it for you, I have do do my best to make sure that the words are in the middle.


Repeating the same thing makes it less confusing but still shows creativity. I used the same color for the title that I did for the date and time to make sure that those are the first texts that people see. The same font was used in the bottom part with the date, contacts, and cost. I wanted to use the color white as parts that are not very important but I still wanted to put them on the poster so people would understand everything about the play. The main part of the poster was the title, so to make it stand out from the date, but still have the same color, I added a shadow so that it pops.


The placement of words and pictures in this poster was really important. I wanted to place the words in a part of the picture where they would stand out from the yellow brick road and so that people would see those words first. Figuring out where to space out the date and time from the price and contact was kind of weird since I didn't want them to be to far apart but I wanted people to recognize them as different, so I gave them a small amount of space and put the contacts close to each other.